“Die heutige Physik ist ein rein grobstofflicher Grenzfall einer eigentlich universellen feinstofflichen Biologie” (Dr. Klaus Volkamer) “Lebenskraft und Feinstofflichkeit”, Klaus Volkamer, Dr. rer. nat., Chemiker, Managementtrainer, Consultent . Studium in München, Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Promotion in Physikalischer Chemie an der Universität Freiburg 1969, Forschungspreis der Universität Freiburg. Tätigkeit bei einem großen internationalen […]
Performamce & Choreography :Saya Watatani , Maki Yokoyama Director : Nobuyuki Hanabusa Animator : Seiya Ishii , Nobuyuki Hanabusa Music : Nobuyuki Hanabusa http://enra.jp
TV producer and Internet-video personality Kirsten Dirksen invites us on her journey into the tiny homes of people searching for simplicity, self-sufficiency, minimalism and happiness by creating shelter in caves, converted garages, trailers, tool sheds, river boats and former pigeon coops. Documentary runtime: 1:21:47 Director/producer/writer/shooter/editor: Kirsten Dirksen Concept & additional shooting/writing: Nicolás Boullosa Guerrero — […]
This is a special opportunity to get an inside look at the recording process of Jo Blankenburg’s 2012 Trailer album “Elysium.” Taken from an interview with Jo and Trailer Music News: “My main instrument is the piano. Most of my writing process starts with improvising on the piano with a certain feel and mood in […]