The Tyranny of Relentless Positivity When we ignore difficult emotions, they end up controlling us. Here’s how embracing emotional agility allows us to deal with the world as it is. We are caught up in a rigid culture that values relentless positivity over emotional agility, true resilience, and thriving, says Susan David, Ph.D., a Psychologist […]
DWAVE Quantum Computer Gründer und CTO Geordie Rose sprach bei der Idea City 2013 über Technik und Potentiale der Quantencomputer.
Ready for the Digital Future? Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, self-driving cars, robots, and the Internet of Things are a mainstay in the news, but are we ready for the digital future? Do we have the necessary skills to take full advantage of new technologies? Digital transformation is a multi-disciplinary topic—perhaps one of the most complex […]
Summit at Sea will convene a group of the brightest people in business and culture for a voyage across international waters. Summit will embark on an extraordinary immersive experience, designed to inspire attendees to connect, share ideas, and interact with one another in a truly meaningful way. The Summit Institute’s mission is to apply […]
Der Film wirft im weiteren Verlauf einen Blick darauf, welche Auswirkungen der Klimawandel auf die Umwelt hat und was die Gesellschaft tun kann, vom Aussterben bedrohte Tierarten zu erhalten, aber auch die Ökosysteme und die Gemeinschaften von Urvölkern auf dem ganzen Planeten. DiCaprio ist im Film in fast jeder Szene zu sehen. Er kommt darin […]