„Spirit – Find in dir selbst die Macht. Es ist dein Geist, der deine Welt erschafft. Aus einem Tropfen Weisheit wird ein Meer gemacht und der mächtigste Gedanke wird im Herz gedacht. Spirit – entflamm den Glanz auf dunklen Wegen. Aus Gedanken und Gefühlen entspringt die Macht in unserem Leben. Vergib jedem seine Schuld und […]
My Story… I am Prrisma, a singer/songwriter, or as I prefer to say, A Shamanic Songstress…This name Prrisma embodies the playful purring energy of the cat within me, combined with the prismatic rainbow of sounds and feelings I bring through my voice. My music is a full spectrum blend of styles, which weaves uplifting poetry […]
Deepak Chopra is having a conversation with Rupert Sheldrake, the bestselling author of Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home offers an intriguing new assessment of modern day science that will radically change the way we view what is possible. In Science Set Free (originally published to acclaim in the UK as The […]
The Slow Living Summit is a unique intergenerational conversation about connections — connections between life, health and happiness; between soil, soul and food; between money, community and bioregions; between arts, humor and love. Behind those connections are stories. Investing for personal and community wealth In a Slow lifestyle, the arts are integral to community well-being. Modeling […]
Explore how today’s management methods must adapt in the face of new technology and workplace trends. Examine the dramatic shift occurring between employee and employer as workers, rather than management, take control over how a job is performed. Learn about key trends shaping the future of work and how to prepare your organization to succeed. […]