Wir essen nur Pflanzen: Vegan leben in Berlin – (NEU) | Doku 2014 in HD | Dokumentation
The Essay In 2011, I fell in love. Not with a person, but a structure: The Temple of Transition. It was my third year at Burning Man and the first year I understood the Temple. The original Temple of Mind, created by David Best and Jack Haye, appeared in 2000. When their friend and fellow […]
The Slow Living Summit is a unique intergenerational conversation about connections — connections between life, health and happiness; between soil, soul and food; between money, community and bioregions; between arts, humor and love. Behind those connections are stories. Investing for personal and community wealth In a Slow lifestyle, the arts are integral to community well-being. Modeling […]
The Quarter-Life Breakthrough. An inspiring career guide for 20- (and 30-) somethings to get unstuck, pursue work that matters and change the world. A book for people who want to get paid for who they are and what they believe in. Every generation probably feels like it has gotten the short end of the stick, […]
The Next Black – A film about the Future of Clothing ‘The Next Black’ is a documentary film that explores the future of clothing. Watch as we meet with some of the most innovative companies on the planet to get their opinion on clothing and its future, including: heroes of sustainability, Patagonia; tech-clothing giants, Studio […]