Reclaim your Inner Throne is an intense 3-month rite of passage for the man who’s ready to take his life deeper. It has changed the lives of men from all corners of the globe since it launched in 2014, and now we’re enrolling for the next round. Hailed as the “next wave in men’s work”, […]
Trailer The film was inspired by the New Story Summit at the Findhorn Foundation: a sold-out multicultural, multigenerational enquiry into a new story for humanity, attended by change makers and activists from over 50 countries. A number of professional filmmakers gifted their skills during the summit and conducted a series of interviews with key speakers, each carrying a thread of the new story. […]
Proposal for a Radical Revision of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Psychotherapy – Stanislav Grof Drawing on observations from more than fifty years of research into an important subgroup of non-ordinary states of consciousness that he calls “holotropic,” the presenter suggests a radical revision of some basic assumptions of modern psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy. These observations come […]
What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? If you were going to invest now in your future best self, where would you put your time and your energy? There was a recent survey of millennials asking them what their most important life goals were, and over 80 percent said that a […]
Change will happen, when you change Yourself Physiker und Autor Thomas Campbell darüber, was wir tun können, um die Welt zu verbessern. Dabei geht er unter anderem darauf ein, wieso es nichts bringt, Diktatoren mit Gewalt zu stürzen oder andere Menschen dazu zu zwingen, sich zu ändern. Veränderung muss aus eigenem Antrieb erfolgen, denn es […]