In the face of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we need a new radical humanism, says Tim Leberecht. For the self-described “business romantic,” this means designing organizations and workplaces that celebrate authenticity instead of efficiency and questions instead of answers. Leberecht proposes four (admittedly subjective) principles for building beautiful organizations. Tim Leberecht Business romantic A […]
The film offers a front row seat on an around the world exploration of how people, groups and entire cultures tap into an alternative “true reality” through spirituality, meditation, and plant medicine. Featuring thought leaders from around the world, including Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Foster Gamble and […]
Mindfulness ist nicht nur eine Technik, es ist ein Lifestyle und kann wie Yoga, Chanten, Erfolgs-Coaching …. Workoholic, Essen, Märchenprinz/essin, Extremsport, Internet-Demokratie-Weltretten… eine Falle sein, muss es aber nicht. Alles kann als Fluchtmittel vor der Realität eingesetzt werden, sogar die Bemühung zur Befreiung der Illusion… MIND is the MONSTER, not YOU McMindfulness,” the fashionable consumer […]
Awakening the Light Body Matrix As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA, almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection, creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with […]
Joanna Macy What is the Great Turning? It is, as Joanna describes it, the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization. It is, she believes, the third major revolution of human existence, after the agricultural and industrial revolutions. This one, though, has to unfold much more quickly. The good news is that […]