Die Stärke dieses Albums ist das wunderbare Zusammenspiel des Duos Mirabai Ceiba – Sänger und Gitarrist Markus Sieber sowie Sängerin und Harfenistin Angelika Baumbach. Ihre beiden süßen und liebenden Stimmen vereinigen sich in einem Spiel zwischen dem Männlichen und Weiblichen, währdend ihre Instrumente diesem Spiel folgen. Angelikas wunderbares Harfenspiel wird umschmeichelt von Markus‘ schöner Gitarre. […]
While attending Everness Festival in Hungary we were invited by artist Istvan Sky Kék Égto to visit his Surya Sangíta Asram. There four beautiful souls met together and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now. Music made by Collaboration of: Istvan Sky Kék Ég, Estas Tonne, Pablo Arellano, Indrė Kuliešiūtė. Video made […]
Suduaya is a French guitarist and producer (Progressive Psytrance & Chillout). In 2011, he released his first track on the Klopfgeister’s compilation “Stand up against gravity” (Iono Music). His album “Dreaming Sun”(Altar Records) came out in september 2011. He played at the S.U.N. Festival (Hungary), Summer Never Ends (SWITZERLAND), Spirit Base (Austria), Ometeolt (Mexico), DOOF […]
Anugama is a gifted multi-instrumentalist who has been publishing his music for the last 20 years. His music covers a wide spectrum of expression: from tribal rhythmical Dance music, to shamanistic music of power and peace, to uplifting, lyrical melodies that make the spirit soar, to flute music derived from a wide variety of cultures […]
Deva Premal Deva Premal and Miten share the Gayatri Mantra. (2 hours) Miten and Premal are extraordinary artists who open into profound depths of stillness from which their exquisite music is born. They carry the listener into realms of ecstasy, bliss, joy, laughter – breaking our hearts wide open, carrying us back into the stillness […]