Who we truly are is not skin deep.” Unfortunately, most everyone on this planet has been taught to perceive themselves and others through a lens of prejudice and division. But what if our world was different, and there were no such thing as labels? Would you be Black, White, or Mexican? Of course not. As […]
Earthship Global Model: Radically Sustainable Buildings The Most Versatile and Economical building design in the world. Earthships can be built in any part of the world, in any climate and still provide you with what you need to survive, with ‘modern’ amenities, if desired. http://earthship.com/buildings. Earthship Tempelhof Es ist Zeit für echte Experimente Sie […]
EVERYWHERE AND FOR EVERYONE As an ode to humanity, HUMAN by Yann Arthus Bertrand is a rare collection of stories, faces and fates. Asylum seekers in Calais, freedom fighters in Ukraine, workers in Bangladesh, farmers in Mali, sentenced on the death row in the United States, Yann-Arthus Bertrand takes us into an immersive experience through […]
A NEW AND ANCIENT STORY A conversation with Nipun Mehta, founder of ServiceSpace, on kindness and generosity, non-monetary wealth, and how even small, simple acts of kindness alter the fabric of our world to have potentially enormous social and political consequences. >> www.servicespace.org Subscribe here From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this semiweekly […]
When a young person experiences a frightening break from reality, Western experts usually label it a “first-episode psychosis” while many psychologists and cultures define it as a “spiritual awakening”. The documentary CRAZYWISE reveals remarkably effective treatment approaches and a survivor-led movement challenging a mental health system in crisis. www.crazywisefilm.com