Udate on the Last Loop of Time HIGHER AWARENESS LIFESTYLE A NEW PARADIGM: ENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESS We can only truly understand and work with our reality if we push our awareness into a higher type of lifestyle, where the priority is to achieve our full human capacity and develop our energetic potentials as well as […]
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Joanna Macy What is the Great Turning? It is, as Joanna describes it, the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization. It is, she believes, the third major revolution of human existence, after the agricultural and industrial revolutions. This one, though, has to unfold much more quickly. The good news is that […]
Dr. Daniele Ganser Teil 1 Ressourcenkriege, Peak-Oil, Imperium USA. Dr. Daniele Ganser gehört zu den namhaftesten Historikern im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sein Buch „NATO-Geheimarmeen in Europa – Inszenierter Terror und verdeckte Kriegsführung“ wurde 2005 veröffentlicht und in zehn Sprachen übersetzt. Es gilt als das Standardwerk zum Thema staatlich organisierter Terror. Diese Publikation machte ihn international […]
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