An amazing list of keynotes, plenary sessions, and workshops at Cambridge University’s 12th Technology Ventures Conference (TVC) on “FUTURE RESOURCE ABUNDANCE”. We talk about how technology entrepreneurship can lead to a sustainable future with global welfare. Keynotes: Our keynotes Anne Lise Ksaer, Rudy De Waele, and Aubrey de Grey bring a plethora of incredible entrepreneurship, […]
Are we ready for the future shock? Vortrag von Gerd Leonhard Wie die digitale Transformation unsere Welt und uns in den nächsten 5 bis 10 Jahren verändert.” auf den Petersberger Gesprächen 2015 Management der Digitalen Transformation | Innovation The Machine we might become… I just ran across this HBR Blog post entitled “Technology is not […]
Earthship Global Model: Radically Sustainable Buildings The Most Versatile and Economical building design in the world. Earthships can be built in any part of the world, in any climate and still provide you with what you need to survive, with ‘modern’ amenities, if desired. Earthship Tempelhof Es ist Zeit für echte Experimente Sie […]
A NEW AND ANCIENT STORY A conversation with Nipun Mehta, founder of ServiceSpace, on kindness and generosity, non-monetary wealth, and how even small, simple acts of kindness alter the fabric of our world to have potentially enormous social and political consequences. >> Subscribe here From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this semiweekly […]
Globale Revolution und Heilung der Liebe | Bewusstsein More information about Tamera: Dr. Dieter Duhm, geb. 1942, Psychoanalytiker, Kunsthistoriker, Soziologe, Autor (u.a. „Angst im Kapitalismus“, „Aufbruch zur neuen Kultur“, „Der unerlöste Eros“, „Die heilige Matrix“), einer der führenden Köpfe der Emanzipationsdebatte in der 68er-Studentenbewegung. 1978 initiiert er ein dreijähriges soziales Experiments im Süden […]