These people have rejected the stuff-cluttered life for something more meaningful Most of us can only handle stacking, storing and stepping over our stuff for so long before we start to feel claustrophobic. We go on a cleaning spree and give (or sell) it all away. But that’s only a temporary fix. Living small requires a […]
With Project Ara, +Google ATAP wants to create a hardware experience that allows people to choose exactly what they want their phone to look and and exactly what they want their phones to do. This phone experience and hardware customization is the future of mobile phones. We’ll find out more in a few months during the […]
Die Lehrveranstaltung befasst sich mit den Themenbereichen Nahrungsproduktion und Konsumverhalten sowie deren ökologische Folgen. Rapides Weltbevölkerungswachstum postuliert eine erhöhte landwirtschaftliche Produktivität, um der steigenden Nahrungsnachfrage gerecht zu werden. Diese Entwicklung wird in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern unterschiedlich beschritten, was zu einer immer größeren Diskrepanz zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen führt, vor allem in Bezug auf die ökologischen […]
If you haven’t heard of the QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) then this is going to be a nice surprise for you. This device is based off of Tesla’s work where he built a resonance generator that required 1KW input to produce 10KW output. This device works in the same way and was built after his […]