The social experiment, which featured a girl named Anano walking through the streets of Georgia alone, aimed to show how indifference and distaste toward struggling kids is impairing their futures. When Anano was dressed in clean, chic clothes, passersby approached her in droves asking if she needed help or was lost. When she wore a […]
The Children Are The Future campaign is more than just an idea; King Nahh is committed to spearheading this effort and seeks help from those who fully understand his inspiration, his words of lecture, his caring for his peers, countless hours of brainstorming new ways to make our world better – by keeping children happy. […]
„Why is it that we don’t seem to be able to adjust ourselves to the physical environment without destroying it? Weil die Quellen menschlicher Konflikte, soziale Ungerechtigkeit und Ausbeutung, in unserer Psyche liegen, müssen wir auch dort mit der Transformation der Gesellschaft beginnen. Obwohl doch unser schieres Überleben auf dem Spiel steht, setzen wir uns […]
Because You’re Worthless – Challenging The Current Economic System in 3 Minutes Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, queer, unemployed, female immigrant student – and not taking it any more. “You Should Be Paid More” >> Interview […]