2 million individuals and professionals watched the video, and have been impressed by the simplicity and rapidity of this innovative system. Now to build passive houses is easy and affordable. Wood framing and insulation blocks are assembled with long wood screws made to measure. The blocks are sandwiched between the boards and tightened by means […]
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across […]
Proposal for a Radical Revision of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Psychotherapy – Stanislav Grof Drawing on observations from more than fifty years of research into an important subgroup of non-ordinary states of consciousness that he calls “holotropic,” the presenter suggests a radical revision of some basic assumptions of modern psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy. These observations come […]
What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? If you were going to invest now in your future best self, where would you put your time and your energy? There was a recent survey of millennials asking them what their most important life goals were, and over 80 percent said that a […]
Nicht Eltern, die gegen die Schulpflicht ihrer Kinder rebellieren, bedrohen unser Bildungssystem. Schule in ihrer jetzigen Form funktioniere einfach nicht mehr, erklärt Gerald Hüther, Hirnforscher an der Universität Göttingen. Ein allgemein akzeptiertes Beziehungsmuster, das andere Menschen zu Objekten degradiert, mache die Gesellschaft kaputt. http://www.gerald-huether.de Van Bo Le-Mentzel: Breche die Regeln und finde Deinen Platz […]