Neuerscheinung März 2015, Neue Erde Verlag Mehr Information unter: oder
I AM is an utterly engaging and entertaining non-fiction film that poses two practical and provocative questions: what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better? The filmmaker behind the inquiry is Tom Shadyac, one of Hollywood’s leading comedy practitioners and the creative force behind such blockbusters as “Ace Ventura,” “Liar […]
everything that separates us; from religion, to politics, to geography, there is unity in the diversity. Travelling around the world, talking to people of all different cultures and traditions, making music with them and exploring the deep connection between us all taught Jamie to see through appearances to the layer of reality where we are […]
The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but rather is based on timeless wisdom traditions of the world, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. SAND honors and nurtures the exploration and experience of nonduality as a […]
‘Why I Got Rid of Most of My Friends’ After Hearing this, You Might Want to Do The Same Thing Prince EA // @PrinceEa