How to Transform Your Company Culture and Attract Brilliant Talent and Grow Like Crazy This speech received a standing ovation at Helsinki’s 925 Festival of Work. It is currently being developed into a book. It’s long but comprehensive because it covers in detail the science and psychology of “Designing Company Culture” Vishen Lakhiani started with […]
How do we fix Ferguson? One, do some diligence and due process… all the people want is an answer. But to fix the BIG problem, social inequality, we must look at ourselves and find out who we are! >> Talk to Rapper Prince Ea >> Why I Think This World Should End
Film – Raising Compassion Raising Compassion brings together a diverse group of neuroscientists, mental health professionals, and Buddhist monks in a remarkable exchange between science, art, and contemplative practice. In a series of informal conversations about compassion, initiated by neuroscientist Tania Singer and artist Olafur Eliasson, the protagonists discuss the public perception of compassion, talk […]
“Where Is The Love?” What’s wrong with the world, mama People livin’ like they ain’t got no mamas I think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that’ll bring you traumaOverseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin’ In the USA, the big CIA The […]
Die Stärke dieses Albums ist das wunderbare Zusammenspiel des Duos Mirabai Ceiba – Sänger und Gitarrist Markus Sieber sowie Sängerin und Harfenistin Angelika Baumbach. Ihre beiden süßen und liebenden Stimmen vereinigen sich in einem Spiel zwischen dem Männlichen und Weiblichen, währdend ihre Instrumente diesem Spiel folgen. Angelikas wunderbares Harfenspiel wird umschmeichelt von Markus‘ schöner Gitarre. […]