The Last Day (with Skylar Grey) my friend erik lang was in india on vacation and he shot this amazing video. i didn’t even know he was shooting or making a video for me, he just called me up when he got back and said, ‘here’s your video!’ and it was amazing. -moby
Lassen Sie mich mit vier Worten beginnen, die den Rahmen für die kommende Woche abstecken, vier Worte, die dieses Jahrhundert definieren werden. Sie sind: Die Erde ist voll. Sie ist voll von uns, unseren Produkten. Voll von unserem Müll, voll von unserer Nachfrage. Ja, wir sind eine brillante und kreative Spezies, doch haben wir ein […]
This is a toolkit on how to invent, adopt or adapt ideas that can deliver better results. It’s quick to use, simple to apply, and designed to help busy people working in development. The tools are not coming out of thin air. It draws on a study of many hundreds of tools currently being used […]
The Essay In 2011, I fell in love. Not with a person, but a structure: The Temple of Transition. It was my third year at Burning Man and the first year I understood the Temple. The original Temple of Mind, created by David Best and Jack Haye, appeared in 2000. When their friend and fellow […]
Humanity has reached a fundamental crux point. What do we really need right now? The Industrial Military Complex is taking over, seeping into all aspects of our lives. Humanity is being aneasthetised and downgraded. The system is designed perfectly to retard our spiritual evolution; to prevent true, empowered human beingness and interconnectivity with the whole […]