Forests are the lungs of the earth and our greatest ally in fighting climate change. They absorb carbon and turn atmospheric CO2, water and sunlight into wood while producing the oxygen we breathe. But instead of returning the favor, we cut them down. It’s estimated that roughly 15% of global annual greenhouse gas emissions today are the result of deforestation and forest degradation. That’s comparable to the total annual CO2 emissions of China, or the emissions of the entire global transportation sector — all the world’s planes, ships, trucks, and automobiles combined.
Protecting forests and restoring those that have been degraded are among the easiest options we have for slowing climate change. It doesn’t require any new technological breakthrough — it simply requires each of us to join in. We all impact climate change, but now we can each be part of a broader solution.
Follow the movement and take a stand for our trees HERE
US-Rapper Prince Ea setzt sich im Video Sorry für die Umwelt ein – Wissen |