We cannot imagine how mass surveillance is about to change the lives of everyone in the developed world. This video is an eye opener to help visualize the future and how to protect ourselves from the most invasive technologies ever created and used against society.
Digital Transformation: Chandran Nair
5G + what the Kids and Masses do not know
Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change?
In today’s age of globalization, countries are economically and socially entwined in unimaginable ways and technology lies at the core of this development. As technology becomes integrated into every aspect of our lives, geospatial information and technology is foreseen to be an enabler for developing coherent capabilities to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To foster economic growth and development, to ease the process of monitoring and to incentivize the progress of the goals, a comprehensive understanding of the need for geospatial data ecosystem is vital.
Clearly, an exhaustive geospatial data ecosystem is essential to the success of the sustainable development goals. A broad coalition of data sets, spatial and non-spatial in nature, is central to deriving insights and creating actionable plans. ‘Measuring each country’s progress towards the SDGs will require innovative approaches to collecting data. Data, as the basis for evidence-based decision making, will be critical to the success of the 2030 Agenda,