Wege in die Freiheit Kongress www.nextculture.org Unterscheidung: Es könnte sein, dass deine Nichterfolge Rache gegen deine Eltern sind. Vertiefung: Sollen wir gleich mal ans Eingemachte gehen? Könnte es sein, dass dir deine Eltern nicht genügend Anerkennung gegeben haben? Nicht gesehen haben, wer du bist? Dir nicht genug zugehört haben, dich nicht genug respektiert haben, keine […]
BANNED TED TALK Re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Rupert and remove this video from the TEDx youtube channel. Follow this link for TED’s statement on the matter and Dr. Sheldrake’s response: http://blog.ted.com/2013/03/14/open-f… If anyone would like to prepare a transcript or caption file in any language so non-English speakers can enjoy this talk, […]
Because You’re Worthless – Challenging The Current Economic System in 3 Minutes Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, queer, unemployed, female immigrant student – and not taking it any more. “You Should Be Paid More” >> Interview […]
Inner work effects the outer work for the better. Bay Area native Jonathan Niles Heckman is a multidisciplinary artist & filmmaker and amateur philosopher with a background in Hollywood. His passion is creating conscious content and he is the founder of two ventures to do so; a film production company called AURORA-LAB and a video production company […]