How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across […]
Earthship New Solutions Earthship Global Model: Radically Sustainable Buildings The Most Versatile and Economical building design in the world. Earthships can be built in any part of the world, in any climate and still provide you with what you need to survive, with ‚modern‘ amenities, if desired. Earthship Tempelhof Es ist Zeit für echte […]
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely? Quoting the words of Sherry Turkle from her TED talk – Connected, But Alone. ( Also Based on Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburgers hebrew article -The Invention of Loneliness. Script, Design & Animation: Shimi Cohen Translation to Portuguese: Letícia Dabés ( // Final Project at Shenkar College […] Charles Eisenstein + Rupert Sheldrake “It’s obvious, when you look behind the scenes, that scientists are human like everybody else. But there’s been this facade of objectivity that has been very misleading, both to scientists, and to other people.” – Rupert Sheldrake “When I really explore the foundation of the world destroying machine, […]
“Wer sich von Finanzkrisen, Leid, Elend und Terror dieser Welt überfordert fühlt, der kann sich abschotten und abwenden. Als Alternative bietet sich die Betrachtung komplexer Probleme unter Zuhilfenahme des gesunden Menschenverstandes, appelliert Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen. Der aber wird nicht selten von Scheinheiligkeit verdrängt. Nachgefragt!” Spreezeitung #Scheinheiligkeit ist Erklärungsbotox für die Falten der Ahnungslosgkeit und […]