Elon Musk, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil, Demis Hassabis, Sam Harris, Nick Bostrom, David Chalmers, Bart Selman, and Jaan Tallinn discuss with Max Tegmark (moderator) what likely outcomes might be if we succeed in building human-level AGI, and also what we would like to happen.
Daniel Khaneman discusses, with Erik Brynjoffsson, creating a world where AI leads to human well-being and flourishing at the January 2017 Asilomar conference organized by the Future of Life Institute.
The Beneficial AI 2017 Conference: In our sequel to the 2015 Puerto Rico AI conference, we brought together an amazing group of AI researchers from academia and industry, and thought leaders in economics, law, ethics, and philosophy for five days dedicated to beneficial AI. We hosted a two-day workshop for our grant recipients and followed that with a 2.5-day conference, in which people from various AI-related fields hashed out opportunities and challenges related to the future of AI and steps we can take to ensure that the technology is beneficial.
For more information on the BAI ‘17 Conference:
Diese weiter unten beschriebene Entwicklung von Umair Haque ist schon länger absehbar und die Wirtschaftsmacht USA hat dieselbe Systematik auf alle westliche Länder übertragen wie ein Virus, auch bekannt unter dem Namen: The American Dream. Wir können alle ökonomischen Parameter in Europa und vor allem in Deutschland wiederfinden, mitsamt der weiter steigenden Ungleichheit und paradoxen Spardiktaten, bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Militärausgaben.
Siehe dazu diese Info >> Wie konnte es zu der breiten wirtschaftlichen, politischen, kulturellen und moralischen Krise Europas kommen – und wie schaffen wir es aus ihr wieder heraus? https://www.facebook.com/Lohaslifestyle/posts/1450151248337410
What’s the biggest event of our lifetimes, as far as political economy goes? US life expectancy is falling to reach Mexico’s. The World’s First Poor Rich Country And What Happens to it Next – Economies are made of people, not profit.
Conservative economics is so simple I can sum it up in a two words: “save money”. The US since the 1980s or so has embarked on a radical conservative agenda: slashing public goods to less than zero, in order to cut taxes for the super rich, in order to clear the deficit.
But we need something to create breakthroughs: we need to be able to realize our potential in the first place, don’t we? We need to be sure that we can take care of our families, ourselves, our relationships, at minimum — and that we can risk it all for a great breakthrough, once we are educated and civilized. That is, we need healthcare, education, transport, finance: public goods.
The reason that America is a failing society today is that the risk and cost growth has been shifted unfairly onto the middle class and poor, instead of being distributed fairly across society, or to. Whatever economic growth happens is essentially coming at the cost of the average American having healthcare, education, transport, the basics of life. Does that sound like a good trade to you?
The lesson is simple: societies that prioritize growth over real improvements to human life don’t stay societies for very long. They will become, like the US, tribes, mafias, authoritarian kingdoms, full of hate and spite and bitter fury.